
05 Feb

Genesis 2:18 “And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone…”

One of the first things God ever commented on about us is that it isn’t good that we should be alone.  God Himself doesn’t operate alone; He works within the Trinity.  It is perfectly OK to assume that since we are created in God’s image, that we share this characteristic with Him.  We are relational not because we have evolved into a social society and have become increasingly complex, but we are relational because we were created that way.  This is very important to understand, especially when it comes to operating as the church.

Solitude is the breeding ground for all kinds of destructive thoughts and actions.  Just think about it.  Have you ever know a person that is having suicidal thoughts to be the center of the social scene?  One of the biggest indicators that someone is falling into depression is that they begin to cut off communication with their loved ones.  I’m not talking about the kind of solitude we practice when we are getting alone with God.  No this is more like a disconnection.  A disconnection from family, friends, and God.

This type of disconnection can be very destructive for the church family.  Leaders never reach their full potential because of it.  People become hurt and pull away from God’s people and God Himself.  Some people never know what a true relationship with Jesus is like because of it.  And here is the real danger…most church leaders will never even realize it is happening until the damage is irreversible.

There is not enough emphasis put on building good solid, loving relationships with people in the church.  Most of the time we are too busy organizing ministries, preparing for services, and balancing budgets that we don’t even realize that there is a disconnect.  This is dangerous and ungodly.

One of the most important steps in building lasting ministries that glorify God is building relationships with God’s people.  We have become very good at the initial investment, but most church relationships are very shallow and don’t stand up.  It reminds me of a salesman who is good at starting conversations, building some report, and getting a signature, but after the sale, he disappears, never to be heard from again.  The church is not a business with services and goods to sale.  We are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and hold within our grasp the very answer to all of the worlds problems.  We can’t just try to sale people on the Gospel…we have to BE the Gospel.  This requires relationships.

Here is what I propose.  Pastors, before you start setting up music ministries, youth ministries, building committees, and budget boards, start building relationships with the people you minister to.  Not just surface relationships, but deep, meaningful relationships.  Encourage everyone to do the same.  The church is a family, and families don’t always agree with one another, but they always love one another.  I would even go as far to as to say that you shouldn’t do anything else until you have built these relationships and put in place practices that encourage them in the future.

Now I know that one person can’t be good friends with 100 different people.  But if you break those same hundred people up into smaller groups, it will work.  This, to me, is one of the most important things a leader can do.  The enemy is out there and he is doing everything he can to stop the spreading of the Gospel.  If all he has to do is get into your life and produce a problem that you feel you can’t talk to anyone about, then he has you right where he wants you.

Don’t let this happen to your church family.  Before you start one more ministry or raise one more dollar for a building project, invest in building and encouraging the building of relationships in your church.  It doesn’t cost a thing and will make all of the other things you have to do that much easier.  Start building relationships today!

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Posted by on February 5, 2012 in lifestyle, Thoughts


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